Saturday, August 3, 2013

module 13

               When I first started reading "The World is Flat" I never realized i could look at the world

like that.  When I look at technologies and innovations of today I did not see them like Thomas

L. Friedman,  I saw them at just being inventions to to make everybody's life easier.  Of course all

of the inventions and innovations do make things easier they also made things better.  I used to work

Wal-Mart unloading the trucks full of product and I never once thought about how the product got to

my store,  I knew that it came from the distribution center and that people picked the orders but

I didn't know how they got those items in their order.  When someone take an item off the shelf

and it gets rung up at the register the computer lets the distribution center know so they can refill

and keep that item in stock.  I always thought people went through the store and ordered whatever

they wanted.  I never realized in depth of how a lot of these companies work and how they

outsource a lot of their departments to different parts of the country and world.  I have experienced

most of these innovations but never realized that I did at the time.  I have called tech support, paid a

bill over the phone, sent an item to be repaired, worked for distribution centers and retail stores,

and many others,  I never knew the inner workings of these innovations that these companies

use to make their business flow.  I feel I have learned a great deal by reading "The World is Flat".

              When I think about science fiction I think about things that authors, movie makers, and

other talented people dream up to make their stories great.  I did not consider the they could

be a look into our future.  A lot of the sci-fi movies that I have seen in the past, I think have

shown some variation of what our world looks like and operates today.  Someone has to dream up

all these great ideas that are in movies, games, books, and T.V. shows and if you can think it

I think you can make those thing become a reality.  When I watched an older science fiction movie

now its fun to point out some of the thing that we have now in real life.  The book " The World is

Flat" and the rest of this course has taught me to look at things with differently and has shown

me in depth how  a lot of companies work.  

Friday, July 26, 2013

module 12

               Bill Joy fears the genetic, robotic, engineering, and nanotech inventions of the world. You

can fear these things and you can also be happy that these thing exist.  These thing make the world

a better and easier place to live in. 

               I can see where someone can be afraid of these things.  These inventions can take over

everything that we do if we are not care full and monitor the way they are built.  We need to

control technology not let technology control us.  A lot of the technology we have today already

us like our smart phones.  Smart phones have made everything so much easier for us that we

can not leave the house without them in fear of what we would do without them. 

The more technologies that we invent to make everything easier is eventually going to take over

everything we do to the point where we don't have to lift a finger to do anything.  Now you

need someone to provide maintenance on the machines that do our work in the future there

will be another machine that will maintain the machines.  Of course like in the article there

will be personal technologies like cars and computers and TV's that we can still operate but

in the future and probably now those inventions can update themselves with new files and

abilities.  Pretty soon the updates will be able to repair our products and the updates will

be so advanced that it will seem like our products are brand new.  The only thing that the

future will need from us is to enjoys these products that genetics, robots, engineering, and

naotech create.  Instead of humans enjoying the perks of new technologies in the future

it will be the artificial intelligence that we create enjoying them.

Friday, July 19, 2013

mod 11

               When I think about movies with computers as their base I always thing about the movie

Hackers.  Hackers came out in 1995 when the internet was unfamiliar to everyone.  The movie

follows a group of computer hackers that are out to take down a giant corporation.  During the movie

the group of hackers have a competition between themselves.  In the competition two of the group go

head to head to see who the better hacker is.  they go on to control things like credit card

information, traffic lights, ATM's, and the lights on an office building.

               All of the thing that the hackers do in the film hackers can do today and more.  In the movie

it does not really show the hackers writing code, it shows them traveling through the inner workings

of the computer.  I think the movie does a good job showing what hackers can do and how much

damage they can do.  Today can accomplish a lot of damage, one incident that I am familiar with

is the crash of the Playstaion Network.  The Playstation Network was down for about two weeks

and everyone was worried about their credit card information that they use to purchase items

in the Playstation Store.  Sony found out that the crash was due to a hacker group.

Since the crash Sony had to rework their security for their network and apoligize for their lack of


             A lot of movies that focus on what computers can do in the future like Minority Report,

I don't think Minority Report is a look into our soon to be future.  I think it will take a long time

to get to that kind of look in to the future technology.  The film The Matrix also has a story line

that I don't think we will be seeing in our future.  Although it would be cool if we were able to

 be sucked in to a computer world and learn anything with a port attached to our necks.

               With the movie Hackers I think it is a more true to life look into the future of what

hackers can do.    

Sunday, July 14, 2013

module 5

what is the triple convergence and why is it important
in the story india and indiana who is exploiter and who is the exploited party
what is intellectual property and why is it important

                Triple convergence is based on the three convergences.  Convergence number 1 is a global

playing field the allows the collaboration among many countries and people.  it allows people to

share their ideas and knowledge without the barriers of language and that they are in different

countries.  The second convergence breaks down the traditional store or workplace by letting people

work from home with their computers and letting people shop on the internet with the use of a credit

card.  The third convergence allows a much bigger global playing field in which people can compete

and share even more of their innovations and ways to  make everything easier and more excesible.

I think triple convergence is important because it has allowed us to do alot more thing in our world

quicker and easier due to the innovations that people are coming up with to make the world flat.

               In the story India Vs Indiana I think the exploiter was the government that shut down

the deal and the exploited was everyone that would have benefited because of the deal.

               Intellectual property is somebodies product or invention.  A lot of times when I hear the

term intellectual property is when game developers come up with new franchises and they talk about

their new IP that they want to talk about.  Intellectual property is important because people want to

protect want they have come up with.


Saturday, July 13, 2013

short story

            When I started to read the short story I had to keep reminding myself that it was written

and published in 1946.  The story seemed like it was written today but with all new terms for

computers and its accessories.  Terms like the name for the computer tower itself  was called a tank

and the big computer was called a logic and his name was joe.

            When I remember that the short story was actually written in 1946 it makes me think that

the person who wrote the story must be able to see the future.  The author writes about being able to

type any question that the user wants to know about or learn how to do into the logic and the logic

will reply with the answer.  Today we do the same thing with our computers, if we want to know the

answer we can look it up in Wikipedia, Google,, or any other search engine.  In the

one man asks his logic how he can rob a bank and one man asks how he can get rid of his wife.

No matter what the question whether it be for good or for evil the logic will spit out the answer.

The same is true today with our internet.

            The story also touches on the security issues that we also have today.  When people start

asking about specific people the logic starts to find out about that person and tells you everything

you everything you want to know.  Again the same thing happens today,  you can Google almost

anybody and your computer screen will pop up all the answers you want to know.  Reading this

story is like reading into our future with a science fiction feel to it because of all the different

terms the author uses for the computer world.

Friday, July 5, 2013


describe the building of the dell laptop
does al-queda have a supply chain
what is the curse of oil

               It takes a lot of people and a lot of companies to put to together one Dell computer.  Once

you put in your customized order and your credit card is confirmed your order goes to one of six of

Dell's factories.  The factories are in Ireland, China, Brazil, Tennessee, Texas, and Malaysia it first

goes to Malaysia where the parts are ordered from the suppliers.  Every two hours the factory sends

out an E-mail to the suppliers telling them what parts they need.  Dell also uses multiple suppliers

just in case one supplier does not have a part in stock they can call on the next supplier to fill the

order.  Once all the parts are together someone assembles them and the computer is supplied with all

the popular software and is boxed up and sent to you.  When I think about it it would be really hard

to just rely on yourself to do a job like this.  It takes a lot of people and companies and factories to

together a product.  A lot of people need to collaborate and keep in touch to be able to get the product

out.  With all the technologies that we have now this makes this process much easier and your

product can get to you faster.

               Al- Queda does use a supply chain the difference between their supply chain and wal-marts

and dells is they use it for murder and destruction not for profit nut for evil.  they use outsourcing

to gain new recruits and supply chaining to deliver the tools of destruction to them. 

               The curse of oil is dictators and power money hungry people control the states and

countries with oil in them.  As long as they are tapping the oil wells they are controling the people

and keeping all the power and money to themselves they are weakening themselves by doing this.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

               When my dad brought home our first computer it was awesome. The only thing I can

remember doing with it is making it talk in a weird computer voice. Further down the road we

upgraded our computer this new computer came packaged with a program called Encarta

and I thought it was the best thing ever.  I used Encarta all the time to learn about whatever was on

my mind at the time.  When the internet came along it was a game changer.  I used the computer

for all my school work.  If there was a research paper due i jumped on to the internet to get some


               When I got to high school I had a computer typing class I can remember doing ok

in that class.  I was not the best, to this day I still have to look at my fingers to see what I am

typing.  I also took a computer programming class that I was horrible in mainly because I was put in

AP class and I thought I could do it, I was wrong.  The next year I took the beginners class and did

much better. 

               Now I use computers all the time I am currently using it now to get all my online classs

done.  I jump on wikipedia daily for research in everything.  I think having computers has made

education easier and more fun.   There are many things you can do, you can make game to help you

in learning, there are a lot of software out there you can use for any kind of  education.

                  I can't wait for the day when all we have to do is think about something and it will

just appear on whatever screen we have in front of us.  Education we be even easier in the future
with all the innovations  in computers.