Friday, May 24, 2013

               Outsourcing is when you take certain parts of a company like call centers or tech support

and have another company work on them.  Offshoring is when you move an entire factory or

warehouse to another part of the world,  when you do this you can find cheaper labor and lower taxes.

               I know that I have experienced Outsourcing,  whenever I call a company whether it be to

pay a bill or to ask a question,  I always get someone that has an accent or seems to be from

somewhere else.  I don't think that I have experienced offshoring,  I think that is a little harder to spot.

               Supply chain is when you have the distribution center and the retailer and the customer all

working together to keep the flow of merchandise going.  Wal mart uses this really well by keeping

a very keen eye on what the customer is buying and when they are buying it,  so they are able to

keep up with the demand of the product.  I used to work for wal mart unloading the trucks,  everyday

we would get two to three trucks filled with all the different items that everyone was buying.  There

was also an invoice of everything that came in.  I also worked for Albertsons distribution where

all the product was filtered to the different stores.  the stores would order everything and we would

have to pick all of the cases to palletjacks and conveyor belts.  We had to pick so many cases an hour

to get the product to the stores on time for the customers.

              Every time that I went on the internet and search for something I use google,  I soon as I hit

search a bunch of similar ads would pop up.  I find these ads very annoying and at the same time

time they could be help full by informing you of better products.  Google seems to know everything

these days when I type something in the search box I only need to type a couple of letters,  Google

then displays a mile long list of similar items that i was looking for.   

Thursday, May 16, 2013

                    Work flow software is an all world supply chain. That means you can have one company

set up in one part of the world and another set up in another part of the world. One company will be

over one aspect of a project and they will be able to send what they have accomplished to the other


                  When a video game developer begins a new project they will have different smaller

developers set up all around the world.  One developer will be over the game engine, one over the art

art of the game, one over the level structure, one over the story and so on until all aspects of the game

are covered.  With the work flow software those developers are able to send their work to the other

developers.  By doing this all the developers can be on the same page.  When all the developers are

done with their assigned duties they can send the game out to manufacturers or the digital distribution


                    Open source software is when you contribute or re write a program to make it better.  I

think that open source software is important because there is always going to be someone that is

going to be able make it better.  Maybe you have a program that is not user friendly someone can

come in and redo it and make it easier to use.

                      Outsourcing is using other companies or countries that can do the work better at a

cheaper cost.  Outsourcing is important because it can better develop an under developed country by

sending them work ad that country can do it better and cheaper.