Saturday, June 29, 2013

               When my dad brought home our first computer it was awesome. The only thing I can

remember doing with it is making it talk in a weird computer voice. Further down the road we

upgraded our computer this new computer came packaged with a program called Encarta

and I thought it was the best thing ever.  I used Encarta all the time to learn about whatever was on

my mind at the time.  When the internet came along it was a game changer.  I used the computer

for all my school work.  If there was a research paper due i jumped on to the internet to get some


               When I got to high school I had a computer typing class I can remember doing ok

in that class.  I was not the best, to this day I still have to look at my fingers to see what I am

typing.  I also took a computer programming class that I was horrible in mainly because I was put in

AP class and I thought I could do it, I was wrong.  The next year I took the beginners class and did

much better. 

               Now I use computers all the time I am currently using it now to get all my online classs

done.  I jump on wikipedia daily for research in everything.  I think having computers has made

education easier and more fun.   There are many things you can do, you can make game to help you

in learning, there are a lot of software out there you can use for any kind of  education.

                  I can't wait for the day when all we have to do is think about something and it will

just appear on whatever screen we have in front of us.  Education we be even easier in the future
with all the innovations  in computers.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

why are some countries or regions better at doing some things than other countries or regions
what are self directed consumers  are you a self directed consumer
does globalization mean Americanization

              Some countries are better than others by having the means to make their products than in other parts on the world.  Some countries can make things cheaper than other countries and are able to ship them to other parts of the country cheaper.  some copponents can be made or found in certain parts of the world and make it easier and cheaper to make their products. Some countries can take an existing product from other countries and make it better and more innovative. 

              For a long time the Japanese and other countries had a strong hold on the video game industry until recently when an American company stood up and decided to make their mark in the video game industry.  Some people might say that the American company beat the Japanese company with a better product and some people will say that the two companies made equally good product. I believe that the Japanese company still has a better product.

              I think globalization does mean Americanization everywhere you go you will see a Wal-Mart, a McDonalds, American movies, American singers, and American every thing.  America wants to be the top dog and in order to do that they need to be everywhere and have the best and talented people around.  My dad was in the military so I moved around a lot I lived in England and Germanyand I have visited Scotland and Holland. Everywhere you went in these places there were American things everywhere.

              Self direct consumers is when companies offer the consumer the tools for their services and the consumer decides what they want according to the tools that are laid out to them.  I think that i am a self direct consumer like in the book I do go to starbucks and customize my drink. I do go on the internet and customize my order of want i want and when I want it and How much I want to pay for it.  I think that the restaurant Subway is the same way in letting you decide how big you want your sandwich and what you want on it you can customize everything you want on your sandwich.                


Saturday, June 1, 2013

               There are many jobs that deal with computers and networking.  Pretty soon all the jobs you

can get are going to be computer related and thing that we use to do manually are going to be done by

computers.  To be successful today you need to know all about computers because they are


               I have known my friend for a long time and he has always been into computers.  Since

we have graduated from high school he has been in one job and I have been in a couple.  His job

his software development and system administration.  His dad owns the business and he was hired

by him it kinda fell into his lap but he loves it and is good at it.

                His job is to write software using a programming language called C#, I never knew there

were many computing languages I knew of one other called C++ so i asked him if they were the same

and he told me they were different and he prefers C#. 

                The companies that buy their software are mostly auto dealerships and loan institutions

and a lot of them are out of state.  They also provide tech support for their software.  My friend was

pretty busy at his job and life that i actually had to interview him by texting.